Focus Forward - Week 2

Message Text

Matthew 19:16-22

Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” “Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Message Notes

1. Minimum Requirements

We can, often times, keep rules without our hearts being part of it. The young ruler was asking which rules he had to follow, but it was obvious that his heart was detached.

2. What are we offering?

Our gifts to God reveal our heart for Him. If our gift is insignificant to us, it will also be insignificant to Him.

3. Does your gift indicate that you’re following Christ?

What we invest in takes our heart with it. Jesus’ intention was not to have the rich man follow another rule but to follow Him.

Connect Group Questions

  1. Is it human nature to find the path of least resistance?
  2. Why do we always want to know the minimum requirement?
  3. Have you thought about whether your gifts mean anything to you?
  4. Respond to the statement, “If your gift doesn’t mean anything to you, it doesn’t mean anything to God.”
  5. How do our treasures lead us?
  6. Do you believe the young ruler would have been better off following Christ?